Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kumquat Marmalade

Come winter, kumquats start to appear everywhere and we couldn't resist buying a large package of these sweet and delicate treats.
We also found a wonderful recipe for kumquat marmalade at Gothamist, a New York based web magazine we like to read. We combined our adoration of kumquats, marmalade and winter and filled a few jars with excellent results.

750 gr kumquats
4 cups water
4 cups sugar

The Recipe:
Slice the kumquats very thinly, reserving the seeds.
Transfer them to a large pot, add the water and seeds (tied in a cheese cloth). Let sit for 24 hours.
The next day, bring the mixture to a boil on the stove. Lower the heat and let simmer for an hour, reducing the mixture. 
Add the sugar while constantly stirring, and then cook for another 20 minutes.
Check to see if the marmalade is ready by dipping a teaspoon and watching the marmalade turning into jell when it cools.
Remover the bag of seeds, transfer the marmalade to jars (using whatever caning method you choose) and store in the fridge. This marmalade is so amazing you'll finish it up in no time...

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